Director's Note
We are doing this because it is a story that needs to be told. We are doing this because we read it once years ago, and couldn’t really get it out of our heads since. We are doing this because we love watching how power can so easily be manipulated and gained, and just as easily be taken away. We are doing this because sometimes we hate David Mamet, despite the fact that we are eternally grateful to him for creating this hurdle, this challenge. We are doing this because we want to solve a mystery. Tonight, we ask you to think about what you see presented, and how you feel about that, and why you might feel that way. When you leave here tonight, talk about it. Talk about it with us, with your friends, with the stranger sitting next to you. Let’s share this experience, this process together. View photos from the show here. Written by David Mamet
Directed by Lana Richards '17 Carol – Caroline Lazar '15 John – Rob Jones '17 Stage Manager – Larkin DeVinne '18 Design – Lana Richards and Elissa Webb '17 Light Board – Rebecca Brill Weitz '18 Crew – Stephanie Foster '18 |